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Pregnancy Portraits :: Ordie & Maria :: San Francisco

Ordie and Maria are expecting their first child and it’s a girl! I had a lovely time photographing them in their San Francisco home. It was Christmas Eve and a very sunny one, too! The light was amazing and the couple so sweet.

I will be photographing their daughter on her first morning so stay tuned to see the lil’ bun in the oven! I look forward to meeting her.

By the way, do Ordie and Maria look familiar to you? I photographed their engagement portraits and their wedding ceremony. You can view them here and here.

Posted on January 21, 2011

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Max A. - These are the memories that should never be before the baby! Beautiful portraits... Max A.

T.A. - Best wishes to the parents-to-be. Looking forward to seeing your "First Morning" work.

Engagement Portraits :: Sofia & Manny :: The Legion of Honor

Sofia and Manny choose to take their engagement pictures at the Legion of Honor.
It is a beautiful place, with towering columns surrounding the Court of Honor.

I photographed Sofia’s family a week before this shoot and it was scorching hot! This day was the complete opposite.
The weather was foggy and damp. It was a very San Francisco day for a beautiful San Francisco photo shoot.

Posted on November 5, 2010

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Barry Phipps - Nice poses. Very relaxed session. Great job!

Arellano Family Portraits :: San Francisco

It was a rare day in San Francisco. No fog. Clear skies. Lots of heat!
The Arellano family gathered together to take a some rare pictures on a very beautiful day.

Posted on October 11, 2010

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Cielo - These are great portraits! Especially the ones with the city in the background.

Barry Phipps - Nice work, Angie. Very relaxed yet still formal. I like the connections with the hands in the group shots. Ties it together.